- Do not accept seriously damaged packaging if it is offered by the package deliverer.
- After receipt, check the content of the order carefully.
- Report defects and errors to us immediately after inspection with a maximum of 60 days.
We pay a lot of attention to our products and packaging before we ship them. Yet it may happen that we have, for example, overlooked a production error.
If something is not in order, please contact us immediately. We will then try to resolve the complaint as soon as possible. If that is not possible, we will proceed with the refund of the order.
Warranty assessment
If there is a lack of the product after a long period of use, you can always contact us about this.
Through our years of experience with leather and our products, we are able to assess complaints and defects expertly. Should we doubt whether or not something is covered by the warranty, we will contact the supplier about this.
Please note: If upon receipt of the returned it must be concluded that the returned is not complete, used or damaged or of which the complete package is not complete, unfortunately no money can be returned for this. It is not allowed to use or try out the product more than is necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and operation of the order. If the product is used too much or damaged unnecessarily then High Tension Leatherwear may charge for this.
High Tension Leatherwear
Energieweg 41
2404 HE Alphen aan den Rijn
The Netherlands
(this adress can not be visited )
0031 (0)6 26 39 22 08